Friday, March 19, 2010

Shell script - almost got it.

I have been reading this book called "Linux Shell Scripting with Bash" by Ken O Burtch. Shell Script Book I have also been reading a sed tutorial and the Gnu Awk Manual. I think I am getting closer to making a shell script. Already, I have figured out how to use pipes. In order to user pipes to pipe the input to the next command you type more nameoffile.txt | stupidcommand. where nameoffile.txt is the big list of text you want to run through the stupidcommand. The stupidcommand is a stupid shell script. It took me a while to figure this out, like several years. I do not expect it to go any faster. Either people already know it and they go too fast for me, or they still have not figured it out yet because it is hard. I like how you can substitute one word for another with sed. I also found a sed command that allows you to get the path names for everything recursivly, so that way I could get the names of all the files I need to change with sed.

Since I am going to the libre planet conference tommarow and Sunday, I will try to either finish it there (since I have a laptop now) Or when I get back. I do not really have memorized how the sed command works though.

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