Many people seem to enjoy going on to graduate school and getting a degree in something or other. I think, however, for others it simply represents a diversion, and not a pastime filled with excitement or enthusiasm.
I'm not enough of a fool to try and put myself through the grad school ordeal, especialy when I realized I lack the desire to even complete an undergraduate degree. The whole trouble with school seems to be that you could easily spend years trudging away at a subject you hate, only to find out that you have been educated for a job you hate even more, or that is non-existent. The road to hell is paved with hell, you do not go down some path for the reward at the end, and then find out it is not there. It is better to simply scrap the plans right at the beginning instead of investing years into the pursuit of your personal hell on earth.
If you do not know what interests you, why would you pursue a specific course of study in some specific direction in hopes of some return. The whole thing is absurd. You should know what you want, and not what you think you want before you get into the whole business. Trying to make money isn't enough of a reason for grad school when you do not have the interest to begin with. It would be better to start on something you know, like getting a job, rather than pursue schooling into a field you have no interest in.
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