Thursday, July 23, 2009

C code and the overwhelmingness of large projects.

I remember the first time I looked at the wograld code. It was like reading Chinesee. Gradually, it has started to make more sense. I found all those c and h files to be overwhelming as well, seeing as there were so many of them. The lead developer somehow managed to change things so that it would do different things, but at the time, I just wanted to leave it to him because I couldn't see how I was going to figure out how to read it. I think that part of the reason there are not more good free software games is there is such a long time from the newbie who has never written a line of C code, to a good working game that does what you want. The intermediate steps can seem so tedious and painful, particularly when you don't know how to include libraries and it takes months to find a person who can answer a simple newbie question.

Once I found the resources, my learning of programming became much faster, and I was able to make headway where I had not made it before, and also to make better use of the resources I did have.

Some people think that programming and programming talent is like an inborn skill. Either you have it or you do not. I do not agree with those people.

Anyway, in case newbies in C programming have not found this resource, I will list this message board here since it has been a tremendous help in learning C programming.

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