One thing I would like to see added to Wograld is the ability to put stuff in a safe place and then loot the characters body after they die. Wograld, currently based on the Crossfire engine, just has the ability to respawn after you die with experience loss. Once levels are removed from the game and skill as well as stat loss upon death is taken out, it makes sense to have some kind of penalty for death. In World of Warcraft, this was a gold cost for equipment repair and a temporary stat loss, in Ultima Online it was dropping items when you died, that was later turned into a gold cost so that people would not have to keep getting new items all the time.
Personally, I prefer to replace items rather than just have it cost gold. It keeps crafters in game and the in game economy thriving. Even when the shard is made up of mostly veteran players rather than newbies, the economy will continue to thrive when you have to replace your stuff after death. It will mean that monster loot and reasources will always mean something to players given that they will have to be replentished, not just when they wear out, but when you die.
Some people do not like the fact that you can lose a hard earned unique item in the game. They then do not use the item in case they lose it. In wograld, I would like to make it so that the greatest items are crafted by players rather than dropped as monster loot. I do not feel that the gods should craft an elite sword of uberness and give it to a player as a quest or tourney reward or whatever. In Ultima Online, player crafters left their mark on an item. I want to extend the customization of items further. I do not think magic items should drop at all. They should always be crafted by a player character and dropped from a player character when he or she dies.
It may take various skill levels and amounts of resources to make different items, but this should not be the province of the otherworldly beings known as GMs, Seers, Administrators or whatever. It needs to be put in game by the highly skilled player crafters themselves. First, there is the quest, the ability to find that hard to find resource, fight off whatever monsters, players, and terrain to get to it. Then there is the skill required by the crafter to use it. Meaning time that the player has spent training the skill up, gathering resources to train and then learning the skill. Lastly, some crafting would have a chance of failure, using the resources up without giving you the newly crafted item.
Some people feel this takes away from the getting items for quest mentality found in other games. No, you get the resources from the quests, you don't get elite items.
Perhaps it would be possible to find items, but they would need to be repaired and enhanced by a crafter before use. That dragons blade is awfully dull, not to mention it has a curse on it draining the wielder of life as he or she wields it. It would become a mighty and powerful weapon given the help of the right crafter. But you can't just take swords like that without the blacksmith to help you out.
The end result is there would be no unique hard to find items that everyone would need.
I know currently, Wograld does not have what have been refered to in other games as "corpse runs" technically, these do not make a whole lot of sense. You run back to where you died and try to get your stuff back. There has to be a better way to do it while still allowing you to get some of your items back, and allowing other players to either loot you and hold some of your stuff for you, and allow some looting in pvp.
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