Wograld is a free-software, 2d, multi-player online roleplaying game based currently on the crossfire engine. Development is, unfortunately, done by developers, supernatural entities that seem to posses software users and force them to hack away writing software code for hours on end.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Uploaded some Wall posters.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Top Ten reasons not to play Wograld right now
10. Its only been tested on Linux... trying it on the windows system like enough said.
9. You have to follow the admin install directions, if you are the sort of person who is reading this and doing it anyway, even though I said not to , you are not a person who follows directions, so you are not going to do well with getting it set up so it works.
8. Missing artwork. There is only one character class and race that shows artwork in game, otherwise you will be playing an invisible character.
7. Same poor game play as crossfire, only with some missing artwork, so you won't even know what killed you half the time. If you want crossfire, just go play it, but why would you considering how awful it really is.
6. No permanent server set up, how fun is it really going to be playing with yourself...
5. You have to play as root or it won't save your character, or you have to change the permissions on some folders.
4. Did I mention the bad game play, lets go into detail, one hit killed as a newbie sorcerer with a swinging door. Should sorcerers really be that frail? No freaking way!
3.Level system, and experience loss when you die, you lose stats too, so you can get worse than a newb fast.
2. You don't have to die to lose stats and experience, fighting certain monsters will also do this.
1. Ta Da, the number one reason not to play Wograld right now... The user interface is really bad. You won't be able to figure it out. It is ugly, has buttons that do nothing, and no way to know what macros you have easily.